Environmental Sustainability

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Recycle it

Concrete Recyclers is committed to the long-term sustainability of Sydney’s future infrastructure & environment.

Through this commitment comes innovation and sustainable practises which keeps our environmental effect at the forefront of everybody’s minds each day.

Through research and consultation with NATA accredited laboratories and geotechnical experts, we have been able to upkeep certification in line with the latest RMS specifications. This ensures that we can always offer a recycled alternative to natural quarried resources in civil construction. We highlight this as a positive step towards ecological sustainability and preserving our natural resources.

There are endless benefits to the recycling of demolition waste. Concrete Recyclers prides itself in crushing the largest volume of raw brick, concrete & asphalt waste in the Sydney Metropolitan area. This alone assists in the local community diverting millions of tonnes per annum away from landfill.

Economic resources are increased in security when we steer away from natural resources. This ensures steady economic growth which is not governed or restricted by the limited supply of natural quarried materials.

At Concrete Recyclers, we understand that relationships with clients and communities are paramount to the growth of the recycling market. Through awareness and transparency with clients, we are able to share our vision and hope to encourage others to take a step towards a greener Australia.