Camellia Yard
Facility Details
14 Thackeray Street
Camellia, NSW 2142
Tipping Hours:
MON-FRI: 7am - 4:45pm
SAT: 7am - 2:15pm
Contact Us:
02 8832 7400
Payment: Eftpos / Account
Material must be in a tipper truck.
Utes, trailers and hand unloading are not permitted.
Materials We Accept
Clean concrete (including steel reinforcement)
Bricks / Blocks / Pavers
Roof tiles / Floor tiles
Clean excavation sand
Materials We Cannot Accept
GSW General Waste (rubbish)
Timbers / Organics / green waste
Fibro / Asbestos
Coal Tar
Hebel blocks
And more…
We do offer Cart&Disposal of GSW materials, to Sydney based facilities.
See our Bulk Haulage page for more info.